The School Day

The school day

Breakfast Club

From 8:00am onwards Monday-Friday

Breakfast Club is free and open to all children. Nursery to Year 2 children enter via the ground floor foyer and children in Years 3 -6 should enter via the first floor foyer. Children will need to be in school by 8.40am if they wish to eat breakfast.


Morning Nursery

Afternoon Nursery

Children in Nursery receive access to 2.5 hours a day in school. They should access and leave the nursery through the Nursery gate.

Reception - Year 6


Children in Reception to Year 6 can enter via the first floor foyer from 8am, or via the school yard between 8.40am and 8.50am. 

After School Clubs

After school clubs run at different points throughout the year. The school will notify families when a club is being offered.

Please help us by ensuring your child in punctual and in school as much as possible.

If you have any problems achieving this, please let us know.