Parental Engagement and Partnerships
Parental Engagement
Our links with parents have long been an integral feature of our whole school ethos. We recognise the vital role you play in your child’s learning and wish to support you in extending learning at home. Parental involvement, such as parent support at fayres, concerts or on sports’ days, is key to a successful school community, however, we try to extend beyond this to achieve real parental engagement in children’s learning.
The school offers a range of opportunities through which we can help you to support your child’s learning at home. This includes free learning resources on the pupils’ website, regular sessions to come into class to experience learning opportunities alongside you child, day time and evening consultations and ‘Cuppa & Chat’ sessions with staff. We are also always looking for new ways to engage and support you in your child’s learning.
If you have any ideas how we can expand on what we already do, regarding parental engagement, in order to help you support your child at home, please let us know. Alternatively, if you need any assistance, in order to support your child’s learning outside school, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will do our upmost to help.
Our Partnerships
Welsh Government
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Cefn Hengoed Community School
South Wales Police
Early Help Hub
St Thomas Church